Wednesday, 30 May 2012

The Olympic Torch passes the St Kilda Hotel

The Olympic Torch passes the St Kilda Hotel 29th May 2012, guests and staff wait patiently outside the hotel to see this once in a lifetime experience.

Beautiful weather brought  the crowds out early to enjoy the sunshine, and the Llandudno Town Band played in the background whilst we waited for the procession to pass by.

A helicopter buzzed above us and then the first of the cars arrived with a police escort, the sponsor buses were next building up the atmosphere with their music and dancers and advertising boards telling us the torch was 6 minutes away.

All cameras were poised as the torch got nearer and nearer and then everyone cheered as it passed by on it's way  to the next stop in Colwyn Bay and then on to Chester.

Two of our Chefs sulking because they wanted to carry the torch!! (please don't tell them I said that) :)